The Legend of Champions
The Nomo Tour has crowned many champions throughout the years, each with a story to tell.
The Invitational
2012: John Gray & Grant Michael
2013: John Gray & Grant Michael
2014: John Gray & Grant Michael
2015: Cory Rance & Jason Nolt
2016: Keith Weidemoyer & Joe Gentle
2017: Adam Jeffery & Jon Stock
2018: Lance McDanel & Kyle Diltz
2019: Keith Weidemoyer & Daniel Shaffer
2020: Lance McDanel & Jon Stock
2021: Keith Weidemoyer & Daniel Shaffer & Anthony Yacina
2022: Lance McDanel & Grant Michael
2023: Ryan Hock & Joe Gentle
2024: Dan Shaffer & Anthony Yacina
2014: Grant Michael & Butch Webb
2015: Dan Shaffer & John Gray
2016: Cory Rance & Lance McDanel
2017: Ryan Hock & Kirby Quick & Adam Jeffery
2018: Pat Yorks & Grant Michael
2019: Cory Rance & John Gray
2020: Jeremy Nolt & Jason Nolt
2021: Jeremy Nolt & Jason Nolt
2022: Adam Jeffery & Daniel Shaffer
2023: Zach Aucker & Ben Manecke